apples, apricots, beef and even an elk from the mesa above us....

a week long camping trip in Wyoming...
and just getting back from here, the other way in Arizona (both of which I will be hopefully posting about soon).
I reached a little further with my art, finally making an online "stand" in the world wide market place of ETSY
(that is actually the Taos New Mexico market, which if you can, go see in person)
If you are not in the "Etsy" know, it is an online marketplace for art, hand made goods, art and craft supplies, vintage goods and it is really really cool, like hipster cool. Started in 2005, read about their history HERE
I have actually had a "store front" with ETSY since 2011, but having been focused on illustration and publishing I am just now getting around to stocking it with my artwork.
And there is a lot to build behind the scenes....learning how to take amazing product photos, developing your branding, store polices, estimating shipping, educating myself about selling to Europe and other places around the world, packaging, and the worst......pricing
( I didn't make that)
Yeah, so I priced things one way, the cheap way, and realized I was literally making less then minimum wages. In fact in a few instances about $3.50 an hour. Second try...I repriced everything, off the formula of how many days does it take me to make it. Last time I checked substitute teachers made about $75 a day, surely my art skills are worth that, so this on ETSY. is $85 ( including cost of frame)
takes me at least two days so priced it at $175
These are my " not to be sick to my stomach" if something sells price, I guess we shall see what the market, my market can bear.
I don't want to even think about how long "Stopped for Coffee" took me to make, so not thinking about pricing my larger fabric collages yet...
On a more fun note (apparently being wordy or grammatically correct today is too much to ask) I have some out of the box, or frame ideas for my smaller fabric collages. This summer, went back to the east slope of Colorado to visit my mom and we did some antique shopping. Between Alt, Colorado and Loveland I scored a few 1950 coffee cans, wooden Velveta boxes- which I have not been able to find how old....
and about thirty something vintage cookies cutters-the ones with backs, which I have been tracing and creating the creature or character to put inside as an fabric collage ornament...
And since it is only sixty some day until Christmas, I have been making these...
But will not subject you to Christmas inventory until the Friday after Thanksgiving. To reward those smart enough to Not leave a cozy house to go join crazed shoppers at big blue electronics stores.
Seriously, just go to Etsy and buy from any of the other Artist who you will find there.
P.S. You will need to register on ETSY.COM
once you do, you can shop, set up more interactions, etc. It really is a feast for the eyes shopping, in the comfort of your own home, on the couch, with dogs at your feet, fire crackling, in your yoga purchase through ETSY, so no one has your credit card info, email info, etc, and most artist send their wares in the neatest packaging. Last Christmas, Daughter #2 did almost all her shopping from Etsy.