Thursday, October 11, 2012


We ended up in Telluride, just from the otherside and strolled around the town as the sun thought about setting and the hills were aglow...


Found a good cookbook in the bookstore, written by Ralph Lauren's wife ( yes, the fashion designer, who's daughter was married to a "Bush" at the ranch last summer, with a "Trump" in attendence.

My mother always says a cookbook is worth it even if there is one good recipe in it. I have tried a few, one for mushroom soup and one for taquito or flauta, tortilla wrapped diced chicken. Changed both up a little bit but it was a good starting point. It also is packed full of stories and family photos.
They live, well, one of their many homes is on the other, otherside of the mountain near Ridgeway, Colorado ( should do a post on their ranch) The cookbook is a little bit posey. It's hard to really imagine them going "camping" when I'm sure they have a little bit of a support staff with them at all times, ( having been one and heard a bit too many stories from friends who are "the support staff" for the super rich when they come to their "cabins" in the mountains  ( should write a post on that too! But the names would  have to be changed since there are "confidentiality issues!)
Where was I...Telluride
Saw a lost dog poster for a puppy back in Ophir, wish we had known, we would have paid better attention...
and of course we couldn't escape the upcoming election, I'm sooo looking forward to Wednesday, November 7th. I think there should be a law that states "all politcal signage must come down on that day!"

No surprise, Telluride likes Obama, a lot!

Wonder what he would think if he saw a gigantic bust of himself in paper mache? This is not intended to be a segway, but did also see a trained rat...

Sitting on a cat...

Sitting on a dog...

No joke, the guy trains them for party and sidewalk tips, I did tip him well and  he told me the one that was the hardest to train to stay was "the flea on the rat".

Ahhh Telluride, it is kind of a weird place...

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